Shipment of Products
After you finalize payment for any product you purchase (through a winning auction or Buy It Now), you will receive a confirmation email indicating that your order has been received. Once your order is shipped to the address you provided, you will receive another email indicating that the product has shipped. Delivery times vary for each item purchased and delivery dates cannot be guaranteed. Most products are shipped within 7 days of paying for the product and arrive within 3-5 days of shipment. You are solely responsible for any lost or stolen products once such products have been delivered to the address you provided (as evidenced by the records of the carrier or delivery service).
Products damaged in transit must be reported to the operator of the location from which you made the purchase (the “Operator”) immediately, but in any event no later than 2 days following the date of delivery of such product. If you haven’t received your product within 14 business days, please contact the Operator.
Return Policy
All products that you may purchase are being purchased from the Operator, who is responsible for establishing the return policy that will apply to any products that you may purchase while at the Operator’s location. Unless otherwise provided, the Operator has the following return policy:
The Operator allows for return of products that are received in a damaged or defective condition, or if the product received is the incorrect product. In these cases, you may exchange the defective, damaged or incorrect product for the same (or correct) product, subject to the conditions set forth below. Returns for refund are not permitted. No other returns or exchanges are permitted, unless required by law.
Returned products must be in original condition (as received) and include all factory-packed accessories and paperwork (e.g., battery, charger, cords, straps, unmarked warranty card, manuals, etc.). Returns will not be accepted for any product that has been registered with the manufacturer for warranty purposes. Returned products must be in the original manufacturer box and packaging with the UPC, barcode and serial number intact. The removal or alteration of a product’s UPC, barcode or serial number label will automatically void any possibility of return (including return for any replacement). Incomplete returns or returns that do not comply with all of the conditions set forth herein will not be accepted. The Operator has no responsibility for returned products that are lost or damaged during transit, and such losses and damages are solely your responsibility. In the event that any product must be returned, you should call the customer service number included in your shipment, and once such return has been authorized, you will be provided with the information necessary to return such product to the Operator (or its third party fulfillment company). All returned products should be sent to the return address provided by customer service, and must be fully insured and include delivery or signature confirmation. Please save all tracking and delivery confirmation information for any returned products.
In the rare circumstance that the Operator (or its third party fulfillment company) is unable to fulfill an order or a return, the Operator reserves the right to substitute the ordered or returned product with a replacement product of equal or greater value that is comparable to the ordered or returned item, in each case as determined by the Operator in its sole discretion.
You acknowledge and agree that any products that you may purchase are being purchased from the Operator, and not from Redibids, and you will look solely to the Operator in the event of any issue with respect to such products, or in the event that any return of such products may be necessary. Redibids shall in no event be responsible or liable for any product that you may purchase. No return policy or other agreement between you and the Operator will change or in any way limit or affect the terms and provisions set forth in this paragraph.